
The Department of Biology draws its strength from an exceptionally interactive and collaborative faculty, possessing a wide range of interests at all levels of biological organization, and utilizing many different biological systems and model organisms. Our faculty have received national and international recognition for contributions in genetics, neuroscience, development, population biology, plant biology, and other areas of specialization. Work being done in the department has broad implications for the treatment of disease and genetic anomalies, the preservation of endangered species, the development of food crops, and many other global problems centered in the life sciences.


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Washington University in St. Louis is fully committed to being a national leader in sustainability, a core priority that runs through all aspects of our community, our operations, and our work as a leading teaching and research institution. Explore how we are addressing climate change and environmental degradation.


Learn about the Department of Biology from Joseph Jez, chair of the department; Denye Mickens, Class of 2021 undergraduate student; and Erica Thomas, fifth-year graduate student.


See More Events

Tropical Botanists Still Discover New Plants in the 21st Century, AND in more ways than you think!-Pete Lowry

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Plant and Microbial Biosciences Virtual Seminar

virtual meetings are in CST

小火箭加速器使用教程分享_极速下载站:2021-11-15 · 小火箭加速器使用教程分享,我伊俗称的小火箭,因为其图标是一个小火箭的LOGO,所伍大家爱称之为小火箭。大家到App Store下载的时候别认错了,App Store好几款挂羊头卖狗肉的冒充货。一款基于规则的网...

virtual meetings are in CST
Faculty, ssfree加速器

Meet Lizard Man, a reptile-loving biologist tackling some of the biggest questions in evolution

Elizabeth Mueller, graduate student in the Levin lab, wins the Nat L. Sternberg Thesis Prize.
Graduate, 原点ss加速器

Elizabeth Mueller, graduate student in the Levin lab, wins the Nat L. Sternberg Thesis Prize.

The Department of Biology is well known for the diverse scientific interests of its faculty member, students, and postdoctoral scholars. We are committed to making the field of science more inclusive by sharing this knowledge with the wider community. We invite you to learn more about the outreach events that our department participates in.

Department of Biology Outreach